Vanilla bean ice cream
Vanilla bean ice cream

Genuine vanilla bean seeds can come only from vanilla bean pods. After the vanilla extract has percolated for an optimal time, the vanilla bean pods and seeds sink to the bottom and are filtered from the extract. As a final step, the vanilla bean seeds are sifted from the spent vanilla bean pods. The resulting bean pods and seeds are known as “exhausted,” because all flavor has been extracted. They are just what they sound like, tiny black seeds that line the inside of a vanilla bean.When flavor houses extract vanilla beans to make vanilla extract, the goal is to extract all possible flavor from the bean, including its seeds. What exactly are vanilla bean seeds or specks? It’s cheaper, faster and provides a strong, consistent vanilla flavor profile. Ice cream makers use whole vanilla bean pods to provide both the flavoring agent and the vanilla bean seeds.

vanilla bean ice cream

Vanilla extract and vanilla bean seeds are each added separately, providing both flavor and the visual effect of vanilla bean seeds.

vanilla bean ice cream

Vanilla bean seeds are added to ice cream in two ways: The quality of the vanilla extracts or flavorings in these two ice creams can vary wildly, but neither is inherently better than the other. When your vanilla ice cream has vanilla bean seeds, or specks, it may be tempting to think that it’s more natural, gourmet or higher quality, but the truth is that the vanilla bean seeds are purely aesthetic. Vanilla ice cream is often sold in two varieties: French Vanilla and Vanilla Bean. It’s creamy, delicious and gourmet….right? Maybe.

Vanilla bean ice cream